Taking pride
Last night I was invited to take part in the opening interfaith convocation for 2006 Jerusalem WorldPride, a weeklong festival that seeks to "bring a new focus to an ancient city through a massive demonstration of LGBT dignity, pride, and boundary-crossing celebration." I was one of a handful of HUC students to comprise the choir that sang in between speeches by clergy from various denominations. A good-sized crowd packed the HUC courtyard to witness the event, which also included remarks by Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY). I told him we were all pushing for Joe Lieberman in Connecticut; I guess we didn't push hard enough!
It was incredibly inspiring and to see and hear so many people determined to make the world more tolerant, and especially to gather together in the heart of such a holy city where religious fundamentalists from all sects, who would otherwise have nothing to do with each other, unite only in their condemnation of homosexuality. As most of the speakers pointed out, however, the true "abomination" is that they condemn in the name of G-d, whose very nature is love!
There was a lot of press in attendance, and I suspect all the photos of the evening may be found at the festival's website.
I was proud to be on hand, and prouder still that the festival is taking place on the HUC campus, whose enclosed nature guarantees the utmost security to all, and whose open doors welcome everyone regardless of appearance, attitude, or orientation.
SNUUGIE. It's time for a new pooooooooooooooooooooost!
i miss you.
love buug
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