Thursday, July 13, 2006


I'm okay, folks.

Here's my reaction to Israel's latest military actions: Jerusalem is the same as it was yesterday, the day before, and the week before. Obviously my colleagues and I are concerned, but just as we were reassured repeatedly today to use caution and that HUC has our back, so let me reassure my readers that I feel as safe as ever. Today I walked past the Central Bus Station, through the Shuk (marketplace), and down the Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall - all places swarming with crowds while military, police, and security officers strolled around ever vigiliantly. Not once did I feel insecure of myself, and if I didn't know any better, I would never have suspected of being in a land now warring on two fronts.

Since the state of Israel's birth nearly 60 years ago, Israelis have been living their lives the same way Americans have since 9/11: as normally as they can, while relying on common sense and trusting their instincts. I intend to do the same.


At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have been following your adventures. Thank you for the reassurance of your safety.Happy to hear that youo have adopted that NY attitude. Stay safe.
Love, Aunt Sheila and Uncle Artie

At 2:52 AM, Blogger Matt said...

Glad you're okay! I tried to get into the Hillel House here yesterday to find out if they had any summer activities. You have to get buzzed in at the door, and this guy with an Israeli (I think) accent kept asking me questions about why I wanted to come in. "I'm an American student curious about if you guys do anything during the summer." I said, for the third time. Then he put someone on who started speaking French to me. At that point I figured it was not worth the trouble, and I left.

so the point is, seems like the Jewish things are on lockdown everywhere. Be safe! CONSTANT VIGILANCE!

At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're OK. Jason and I have been thinking of you lately. Beatrice just gave me your blog address, so now we can keep track of you.
Stay safe.
Barbara Spender


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