Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ring out the old

These days, there's a rush of busy excitement in the Jerusalem air, and a constant stream of classes and rehearsals within the HUC campus, but I try to enjoy every moment of it. As Rosh Hashanah draws nigh, I want to wish everybody a happy and sweet new year. For me it is sure to be one full of new challenges and opportunities, including the opportunity to see the wedding dress that Donna bought...but not until June 10!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

On becoming learned

One week into the fall term and I'm still adjusting to full days' worth of classes, conducted mostly in Hebrew and thus requiring every iota of my attention. The real challenge for me, however, is in constantly reminding myself that I don't have to learn everything about being a cantor this year. At the same time, I strive to remain engaged in the material of the hour and to retain as much of it as I can.

Donna has booked a flight back to Israel on October 9, and I seek to do all I can to keep from actively counting the hours...