The Home Stretch
Things are getting fairly busy and and a bit stressful here as the school semester draws to a close. I (Donna) have a pretty full voice studio now with sixteen students! Teaching is very gratifying and is a wonderful way to fill up my days. The income is also helping us keep food on the table (aside from all the wonderful dishes we get from my savta, of course!) Rehearsals for "Patience" are going wonderfully and I'm in hog heaven to be involved with a G&S show again.
Josh is slogging through the many papers, take-home exams, at-school exams, concerts, meetings, etc etc etc, that have reared their heads all at the same time. It's like a mad rush towards the end of the term, and all the students found their workloads suddenly tripled. Josh is working very hard and we're both looking forward eagerly to our trip to Paris and Switzerland! We leave on December 24th, and will likely take the train to Zurich on the 26th. My relatives are in Zurich and Lucerne, and we are looking forward to seeing them and to touring as much of the country as we can. Then it's back to Paris where we'll both explore the famous city for the first time. So excited!
That's it for now. I'm going to "encourage" Josh to write his own post soon. It is called "Mr. BREITZER," after all....
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